Friday, September 28, 2007

Substitute Teaching Debut

Yesterday was my third day of substitute teaching. I'm a 22 year old college graduate with a degree in art, and I am substitute teaching to see if I want a permanent position. So far so good!
I really like almost all of the kids I have had in class so far. This is why I want to teach: because I like kids and I feel more comfortable around them than around adults! I've taught 11 sections of 7th grade science and one section of 8th. I talked to a couple kids about the anime characters they were drawing- I think they were impressed that I knew what shows they were from. I hope so at least.
Other highlights:
After the second day an invisible student from the bus yelled "Hey Ms. (Hannah)! (mumble mumble) thinks you're HOT!" I just sorta wiggled my fingers back in the direction of the buses.
The principal at the Jr. high often comes up to me and quietly, in his nice southern manner, tells me thank you for what a good job I'm doing for him.
7th period in the class I taught two days for is a terribly rowdy group of kids. I tried to be stern with them, but it's hard! I was leaning over helping one student, when the one on the other side of me said "You have a butt!" I spun around. "WHAT did you say?" He squealed "Not you not you! I wasn't talking to you!" And we both started laughing hysterically, as well as the other couple of kids who heard it.
This morning I didn't get a call, so I had my retired-teacher friend take me over to the elementary school and the high school to introduce me there. Everyone was quite nice and happy to hear there was a new substitute. I have a first grade lined up for next Friday. For some reason first graders scare me more than seventh graders. What do you DO with them? I don't wanna yell at six year olds! Anyone know stories guaranteed to put em to sleep?